Thursday, 14 April 2011

Cheyann's Photography

Xavier's term 1 review

Room1s first term. We all leart lots of bedmas in math. In writing we mostly did our character discription we all made up a fake character and then we made 4 paragraphs about our character saying what they are about and who there friends are.We used metaphors similes hyperbole. My character kiwi camoeflagehe he acts like a kiwi. That is all i want to say thank you.

Xavier Mohr.

4square term1

One sunny musty lunch time we were sitting in a tree borred when Miss Welch came to save the hour and she said, "come play 4 square"

so we did. and we played for a long time with Jonny in king until Jonny got kicked out of king by Miss Welch, so she gave Jonny a taste of his own medicine and we wer'nt happy at all. At the end of lunch Miss Welch. By Ryan

Mirror Images

Leuka, Tim and Daniel's Mirror Images

Ryan's Mirror Image

Every one in Room 1 got a picture out of a magazine, cut it in half and had to draw the missing half exactly the same using a line of symmetry. By Ryan

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Cheyann's post

This Term has been very fun and intersting we have been to the Canin bee farm we learnt a bunch of intersting facts like that bees wings go around 200 times in 1 second isnt that amazing,we also got to try three different types of honey the ones that I tried were so yum my favourite was wild flower but lots of people liked blue borrage honey.There was also cluster swimming sports in Marton year 4 and up went.At the end everyone was very proud of their placing and the main thing was that we all had fun.This year every class room has a new teacher there is Mr Osmond(the principal)Miss Welch,Mrs Fraser and Mrs Reddish they are very fun and kind teachers.Room One have learnt how to do BEDMAS and how to put fractoins into decimals or the other way around we have also learnt alot more things our brains are filled with information.That is a little bit of what has been happening this term in Room One.
By Cheyann

Fat Zac

Stranded on the top of the sky blue USA’s top preschool was Fat Zak. Fat Zak is 2 years old and he weighs 40 kg but no one knows how he got up on the blue building but him. He may look fat but his basketball skills are really incredible. He wears dark blue basketball clothes with his special green hat on his bald head, he wears no shoes and he wears bright pink bonds nappy, his number on his basketball shirt is 14 [that is his favourite number] in pink writing.
Fat Zak likes playing basketball for the LA Players since the LA Lakers didn’t let him play for them because he was too young. The LA players for people that didn’t make the LA Lakers. The LA players are for people of all ages. Fat Zak sits at home shooting basketballs of his couch into his mini hoop. His favourite type of pizza is bbq and his dad buys it every second night secretly and hides under his own bright green bed, but he doesn’t know that Zak is sneaking under his bed when he goes out to buy the pizza for himself. Zak eats the delicious pizza he goes to sleep. Zaks other hobbies are to sleep in his own NBA special edition bed but that is pretty when he is under his dads bed every second night.
Fat Zak plays awesome basketball a 2 year old boy, so he is always on the news and basketball channels, the 3 news team said he was the 3rd best in the world because he can shoot a basketball of a 5 story building backwards as well as doing a headstand and get a complete swish.
Now the 3 news team is at labrone James’s house to watch Fat Zak shoot his basketball while skateboarding down a10 metre tall ramp blindfolded. When he did it an evil scientist walked past the awesome basketball hoop and the ball hit him in the face and when he was falling he accidentally shot his laser and it hit Zak right in the four head, so he got his memory token away from him so now he is just a regular 2 year old boy. So his mum and dad took him to a brand new school.
By Ryan.G

Camo Kiwi

One bushy morning out popped Mr Camo aka Kiwi Camouflage. He likes to act like a kiwi, the lives in the great forest where there are over 1 million kiwis and about 10 moa. The great forest is where Kiwi Cameo lives, he lives in a tree that is pretty much filled with dirt, that is why we call him kiwi and he puts fake fathers on to make him look like a kiwi. He can run rapidly fast throughout the forest and he can jump higher than a kangaroo. He is as tall as an elephant. He is the tallest kiwi in the forest. His feathers are silkily smooth blanket. Young Kiwi likes to act like a kiwi. His hobbies are digging for worms and digging borrows for other kiwi and playing in the ferns with the other kiwi is well. But he doesn’t like Mr old ugly Twit because he is a mean person every time he sees him and his discussing  wife he sprints off like a cheetah making sure that they don’t seen him. Kiwi is a very playful person but sometimes he gets grumpy when he is tired. So when he is tired I would leave him alone if I were you. When he is happy he gets very playful he is really nice he finds you some worms but that was if you were a kiwi of cause. Kiwi cameo is kind of an accident pro. One time he fell in some ferns and rolled in some black berry bushes down a steep hill. The noise was like a gun shot right next to you’re ear and he was screaming with pain. We had to quickly rush to the kiwi hospital and he had to get surgery on his left foot and right hand he had seriously hurt them. He is a ruff person for a kiwi like person I thought that I was going to go to kiwi camouflage tangi. But he turned out all right he’s a lucky man. We had a hangi to celebrate for him surviving the dangers devastating roll down that treacherously steep hill he will never play around that hill again. Kiwi cameo found a beautiful kiwi female like person they had three children Ryan Jacob Xavier. Mr Kiwi lived a happy life with all of his friends and his wife and kids. He is really living the life now and they lived happily ever after
By Xavier Mohr
Bad Berned is badder than you can believe he throws books at people especially Manny. His skin is muddy and creamy like a hippo, he also has the bad breath of a pig who has eaten rotten eggs and milk!! The putrid stench of rotten eel pours from his skin. His hair is a messy nest.

Bad Berned is going to be in the biggest book of records because he is so grumpy, cruel, insane and mean. Did you know Berned is as mean as a magpie!

He owns a book shop named Black Books. However he doesn’t like books or people coming in so he kicks them out! Berned only talks to Manny and Fran.
One dim day Berned was out buying a weeks supply of wine and when he left a student poked his head in and whispered “pssst is he gone?” Manny replied “yes.”  And the student said “Come in every one he’s gone!”  So  every came come in and nearly bought all the books.After everyone left Berned came in and said “ Where are all the books?!”
When Berned yelled at Manny, Manny left and Fran was heartbroken because she had no one to pour her wine!!

Bold Bradley

One dark but clear sunny day sitting in the movies was BOLD BRADLEY. His hair is dark black and it is as long as a horses mane, very tight blacks skinny jeans and a black t-shirt and a dark grey jacket. To go with the fashion he wears a pair of vans which are light green with white poker dots. He is a rake and about 1 metre and 45 centimetres tall. Bradley has also got a light tan covering his arms and legs as well as having a pretty round face with a little bony chin poking out like a rubber.

Bradley has lots of moods but the mood that I usually see is his smile which is a bent sun. He is basically always happy and he is quite funny by telling jokes. Last but not least he is quite kind to his friends, his mum and dad by doing jobs without arguing as well as his two brothers and his one sister (sort of). Bold Bradley really likes to game on his three Nintendo ds’s and his two Nintendo dsi’s, his x-box 360, his black wii and his playstation 3. He likes to ride his bike to school and down to the park to do jumps, tricks and crazy stunts. Something that he scorns to do is to clean his room. It is a pig sty. The floor is so messy that you can barely see it except for a few spots and it is covered with toys mostly and dotted with some food rappers (but not many of them). Some of his friends that he hangs out with are Oliver, Daniel B, Jack, Josh, Dylan, Jed, Jordan G, Jourdyn A, Josh F, Anthony, George and I but that is only what I know.

Sometimes Bradley plays on his x-box 360 or his playstation3 all day until it his bedtime (which is about 10:30pm) then he starts to play his ds or his dsi all night until about 2:00am, and then he turns them off and goes to sleep. The morning after that he sleeps all morning until about 3:00pm in the afternoon and he is terribly tired. The next time he tried to play on one of his ds’s it turned on. Then it started to sizzle until it turned off and it was stuffed.
So that is the description of bold Bradley who is a real person and not a made up character and who really does like to game all night.
By B.K.G Matthews (Jonny)
Fat Fred
Drooling over American hot dogs slouched Fat Fred. Fat Fred is a dreadfully plump guy. He loves to eat hot dogs dripping with onions, mustard and tomato sauce. He adores all kinds of ice cream and is crazy about chocolate. Fat Fred has jumbo ears, he looks even more weird with no hair, lots of scars and has a black monobrow stands out a lot. I think he needs to shave his tummy it is so hairy and has a and Fat Fred is quite rancid he smells like rotten eggs. Since Fat Fred doesn’t have any money hi clothes are rugged his sleeves are torn up, one is long the other is short. Gumboots are the fashion for Fat Fred so he wears black gumboots; his pants have holes in them as he keeps tumbling down the stairs they got torn on the knees. Lots of people wonder why he can’t button his pants up well it because he is so fat so he uses bailing twine to hold them up.
Fat Fred doesn’t have any friends as a result of having a ruthless personality he is a very beastly man. There is no job Fat Fred can accomplish because he is lazy, uncoordinated and doesn’t listen to anyone. Once when Fat Fred was tramping down Kiwi Street he scarfed a little girl’s triple chocolate ice cream and gobbled it up in one mouth fill then he shoved the little girl over. She grazed her knee and was a sad baby for the rest of the day. Bzzzz Fat Fred was tasered to the ground by the little girl’s mother, “you filthy fat man you should go to jail’’ she screamed out loud. Now, Fat Fred  is a lousy guy because he doesn’t have any family they all died in a huge fire so Fat Fred lives alone down the main  ally way. He is a lonely guy who only lives with stray cats but there are also lots of mini mice which he doesn’t like at all.
 Fat Fred doesn’t do much he normally steals ice creams off people, sneaks hot dogs from the stand and at night he robs the chocolate factory.    Sometimes Fat Fred gets so hungry he feels like eating a herd of cattle. Fat Fred doesn’t eat decent food he fills his tummy up on yuck food out of the garbage or steals junk food off people or out of shops because he doesn’t have any money to buy things like burgers or steaks not even vegetables. A lot of people feel sorry for Fat Fred but they are too scared to give him things or money because of what he has done to them in the past.
This charter description is not true but I hope you enjoyed my fictional charter description about Fat Fred.
By Cheyann McDougall.      

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Daniel's finished Character Description

Exciting Emma

On a very hot, sunny, musty day 18 year old Exciting Emma strolled out of her house in Hamilton on her merry way to work in the wood works store making shelves, tables and cabinets. Her short curly blond hair shimmering in the blazing sunlight and her dark orange sunglasses shielding her eyes from the blinding light. Her night black sneakers slapping the aged grey pavement with every step she took and her heavenly white t-shirt fluttering in the cool refreshing breeze. Emma loves lego with a passion and absolutely adores the colour orange, in her spare time Emma likes to BMX and mountain bike. Emma is a very kind hearted girl and always thinks of everyone else. She is smart, fit, very truthful and very thoughtful. Emma has quite a few friends like Alice, (the shy one) Ruby, (the smart one) Charlotte (the athletic one) and Sarah (the understanding one).
One day, out of the corner of Emma’s shinning blue eyes she spotted something blowing across the deserted street. It danced around her black sneakers. She picked up the paper object and examined it. “It’s a fifty dollar note” she whispered to herself with a grin like the cresented moon. She was so happy you would think she had just won lotto.
Emma has a little brother, a little sister and her dad down in Wanganui and she goes and visits them whenever she can. That $50 Emma found on the street wasn’t for her it was for her little brother and she also got a little something for her little sister and she didn’t forget her awesome dad. So that shows how kind-hearted Exciting Emma really is.
This non –fiction story was written by Emma’s little brother: Daniel.

Amelia's Completed Character Description.(Published in this week's school newsletter!)

Amazing Annabel

Lying in the middle of a swimming pool lay, surrounded by friends, Amazing Annabel. She was a sloth the way she just lazed there on her floating sunbather twisting her short, golden brown hair around her fingers complete with long white finger nails. Her hazel brown eyes darting all around the heated pool making sure her things were still in her locker and there they were. The dainty little blue and white checkered top she wore that day was hanging out along with her plain black skirt and red and white trainers.
‘Annabel get of that phone now it is ridiculous how much girls gossip nowadays you talk so loudly you are like a peacock calling that there is trouble!’ She begs her mum for a cellphone because all her friends have one but the answer is always NO ANNABEL!! Annabel (Anna for short) has a cheeky personality. She leaves her togs at the pool on purpose she does this because she knows that if she doesn’t do this her mum won’t let her go to the pool the pool, to Annabel, is like a home to you or me.
Once when Anna was eight she was walking to the pool with her family. The wind was teasing her hair and upsetting her clothes. She walked in and wasn’t looking where she was going and walked straight into the pool. Her family laughed and laughed so she stormed off like a bear and hid in the changing rooms. Soon after she saw her dad hmmm she thought to herself her dad had been the one who laughed the hardest so she ran out and SPLASH she pushed him into the pool.
Amazing Annabel, as I said before, has a really cheeky personality and likes getting revenge. That is the story of Amazing Annabel I hope you liked it!!
By Amelia Bryant

Student of the Week

Xavier was awarded Student of the Week for having an excellent attitude towards his work in the classroom-especially his maths and writing. Great work Xavier!!

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Story Bee

If you love listening to stories read aloud, you'll love