Sunday, 16 September 2012

Skiing with Room 1

Last week Room 1 hit the slopes - quite literally! The weather forecast was not great, so the Room 1 camp was postponed for a day, but once we got up to Whakapapa, we had an absolute ball. Most of the children were novices on Day 1, but both boarders and skiers alike made rapid progress, thanks to lessons on both days and lots of determination from the children themselves. The camp went something like this:
Day 1: No skiing due to bad weather and a rather slippery acccess road, so it was Rock climbing followed by a swim at Turangi.
Day 2: Battle through the ski shop, then lessons, followed by supervised skiing in glorious sunshine in Happy Valley. Rapid progress for all, plus one or two more adept skiiers keeping Paul Bryant busy on the upper mountain.
Day 3: Slightly cloudier, but the snow mainly held off, meaning we were able to progress to the lower mountain for supervised skiing/lessons.
Combine this with lashings of delicious food, courtesy of Tricia Dickon, Keina Rose and Paul Bryant, lots of laughs at people falling over (adults included) and the camp was a great success.
A quick poll of the students as to what they would like to do for next year's camp, and there was really only one response - skiing!

Room 1 in Happy Valley before their first lesson. More photos in this week's newsletter.