The Octo Opthalamus Kolossos
Out of nowhere there was a sudden trembling in the ancient temple and a beast crashed through the roof. It was an ancient Greek beast called the octo opthalmus kolossos. In English that means ”the eight eyed giant”.
Its arms were a hairy gingerly colour like cinnamon. Instead of having only two arms the beast has four arms which make it easier to lift heavy objects. You can see his pumping muscles in all four arms with jagged claws ripping out the end of his hairy skin which is as tough as diamonds.
The beast has two heads that are smothered in drifting water. Seeing would be no problem for the octo because it has 8 eyes. Each eye’s individually a different shade of colour and all different shapes and sizes. With two heads, each one has no nose but it can taste the air with its purple slithering tough. Inside each blood thirsty mouth are a pair of flesh ripping fangs which are 13cm long.
The Octo Opthulmus Kolossos has eight extremely powerful tails which could send you flying if you got hit by any of them. All of the tails are black except for the red stripes that spirals up the tails which start to glow after dusk. Annoying the beast will make the black hair explode into sizzling black flames that disintegrate anything it touches into dust as dark as a night wrapped in oily black clouds.
Even to this day, the Octo still terrorises the people who come into the temple and sometimes sucks their flesh off of their bones and makes a stew of their guts. When the Octo Opthulmus Kolossos has finished with the body it makes a pile of skin right where the priest stands.
By Jonny